Category Archives: Fiction


Here are a few new gelatin prints from the early part of February 2012. I’m exploring subjective images that tap dance on the edge of reality. From the Mali Series: FROM THE RAVEN SERIES:


At night, the quiet and star-filled black comes upon us like glass. The Ursa spins over the north pole while Orion rises high in the southwest sky. Continue reading


The legions of Papa Wheelettes are anxious for another post. Well, wheelers… it’s time to be more like a normal blog and piss and moan about those who are pissing and moaning. It’s like someone said: “people are losing their … Continue reading


So long in the wilderness I have been, so long, this big head on the end of a bed. How long has my TV remote been lost? So long that I have only been able to watch this one channel, … Continue reading